Explore tips and resources to level up your technical skills.
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Explore tips and resources to level up your technical skills.
GitHub is a platform that hosts Git repositories — folders that help programmers and developers work together on source code. Through GitHub, software engineers and developers can manage projects, share progress, and collaborate on open-source projects. With various productivity tools, …
So, you know you want to go into technology. Maybe you were the kid who always took things apart just to see how they worked, or maybe you’re the whiz who always helps their grandparents figure out how to use …
With the advent of more advanced technology and the ability to work from anywhere in the world, platforms such as Zoom and Skype have become commonplace for job interviews, collaborations, therapy sessions and even healthcare appointments. While the benefits of …
As the tech industry continues to boom and software engineers and developers remain in high demand—the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that software development roles will grow by 28% between now and 2028, far exceeding the projected 5% rate of …
Microsoft Excel is a program in the Office 365 suite typically used to store, sort, and manipulate data. Although Excel is not a database, it is often used in data analytics and finance careers to assess large amounts of information …